Pymerase Intro |
Pymerase is a tool intended to
generate a python object model, relational database, and an
object-relational model connecting the two. However it has been
extended to also output webpages and can be easily extended to output
whatever else you might like.
News |
~30% Speed Up in Pymerase DBAPI - In CVS! kingb - 2005-08-15 14:46 - Pymerase I took Diane's advice and added a global variable in the
dbAPI module called INCLUDE_WARN_CALLS, which by default is
set to false. Now almost all warn calls won't happen unless
Memory Leak Bug FIX in CVS kingb - 2005-08-15 11:18 - Pymerase I've checked in a major memory leak bug fix into CVS and is available on http://pymerase.caltech.edu. I've created ten unittests which pass now after the patch and did some additional tests. I still may need more testing. If any new bugs are found, please submit a bug report. If anyone would like more information about how to take advantage of the new memory saving abilities, please send a message to the mailing lists. Enjoy!
Pymerase 0.2 Supported Platforms kingb - 2004-05-18 12:06 - Pymerase Pymerase 0.2 has been tested and works under Linux, OS X, and Win32. This is an improvement over the previous version which didn't work under Win32. Pymerase 0.2 is much easier to install than the previous release.
Pymerase Release 0.2 detrout - 2004-05-17 17:52 - Pymerase We've been using pymerase 0.2 for 8 months and it's been working well for us. Most of the core bugs have been flushed out and we've done a few things to improve performance (largely by adding the ability to perform transactions within the object model).
Pymweb @ Caltech Updated with Latest Pymerase Checkout (CVS) kingb - 2004-04-30 15:41 - Pymerase Pymweb @ http://pymerase.caltech.edu/ has been updated with the lastest CVS checkout of Pymerase. Please let us know if your having trouble running Pymerase. ArgoUML 1.14 is currently the UML program I am using with Pymerase. Others may work as well.
Pymweb @ Caltech Updated with Latest Pymerase Checkout (CVS) kingb - 2003-12-18 15:13 - Pymerase Pymweb @ http://pymerase.caltech.edu/ has been updated with the lastest CVS checkout of Pymerase which includes a patch for BUG# 788408 sent in by Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz, Diane's new templating system, and an update to CreateDBAPI output module.
Last Modified: Thursday, 27-Feb-2003 20:30:40 UTC